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منتدى شاعرة الإسلام
يا زائرتنا الجديدة لما ترحلين, ألم يعجبك المنتدى أم ماذا؟
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و أن تكون لنا خير كاتبة و مجدة
فرجاء, رجاء تفضل و تسجلي عندنا فنحن ننزعج لفراقك
و هذا طلبنا منك و آما أن تقبليه
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  Why do birds sing at dawn?

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 107
ورود العضوة : 346
تسجيلات الإعجاب : 5
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/02/2014
العمر : 22
الموقع : tedj1111@yahoo.fr

 Why do birds sing at dawn? Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Why do birds sing at dawn?    Why do birds sing at dawn? I_icon_minitimeالإثنين ديسمبر 29, 2014 6:10 pm

As long as people think that bird song at dawn is to make people happy. But science has spent on this myth. Where we know that the song the morning is to control the location and sex symbol as well. The combination sounds fine issued at dawn in mating seasons is the result of monologues male birds for females. And falling tones between the voice of one section and the sound of a complex of multiple layers and tones, chime sounds strongly and beauty to the extent that they are grainy human ear.
The advantage of bird song at the dawn of spring days as a sign of the male establishment of nests areas, where great acting and a powerful way to announce their presence in a particular area. Chants and voices in the sky before and during the mating season, then tapered off when the young hatch and gradually subside when you grow young and abandon the area.
And be able to mention the birds, in the mating season of the massive effort through its note has a ornithologists noted during his research in bird "Alsgnj" habits of a bird singing, that one of this type bird sings more than 2,300 songs in one day, and that is established area nests, even females interested begin mating access, then the male voice and physical reviewed begins with a female that likes to impress.
This phase may last several days ago to accept the female begins mating actually was baptized male violence sometimes to keep his opponents for his district. But fortunately, and despite all the conditions are mating, and this bond lasts for one chapter at some birds, but some of the big birds, Kalpdja for example, continue with the same partner for life.
Scientists point out that 90% of songbirds monogamous, that is, they stay with one partner, but some other species multiple marriages, where the male mates with more than one female (2 or more), or the female mating of two males or more. Research indicates that the most beautiful hand Dawn is jealous of the male bird that practice this type of deception. Vngrad bird Shadi "Alhazj" for example - a type of immigrant, had a brief mating season - an unusual and varied depending on what he is doing activity. When the birds and lonely, looking for a female, singing songs in a long quiet attracted to, and what to believe in female mating acceptance, so start singing love songs and defend the nest, short shortcut. However, multi-species Alazaug him, and when the male wants to attract another female, starts to move to the maximum extent of his area, so as far as possible away from the nest the first female partner. And begin again the long tweeted complex. So you think any female passers-by chance that he is still lonely and he has a good location to build a nest.
But usually the double deception of the parties, when the male goes back to the first female partner, you may find another male has solved the place. The birds flytrap and sparrows Pray deception itself th
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Why do birds sing at dawn?
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